Fun France Faves, facts and things we just found interesting from our trip

⁃ bottle tops that flip up instead of twist off

⁃ New chip flavours (bacon flavour pringles and cheeseburger Lays)

⁃ In buildings the main floor is 0 not 1

⁃ We averaged about 13000 steps per day; our most steps day was 31000 (a little shy of our most in Japan)

⁃ Lots of crosswalks had a countdown which we liked and sometimes a cute animation to go with it

⁃ When we actually counted we visited 9 different places in our 14 days!

⁃ 130 speed limit on highways

⁃ If you spent 60 seconds looking at each of the objects at the Louvre, going steadily for eight hours a day, it would take you 75 days to see them all

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