
Yesterday morning we said goodbye to Hendaye bright and early and drove at sunrise toward Bordeaux. The smoke from forest fires has made things a bit hazy the last few days and it got quite smoky on the road for a stretch closer to Bordeaux.

In Bordeaux we dropped off the car and then took a train to a city called Tours. We had a bike tour booked and went there straight from the train station. Our guide was great and showed us lots of sites and explained some of the history.

Afterward we checked into our cute place in the old part of town and wandered around for a it. We found a Belgian Beer place of a brand Jarett liked and stopped there for a pint. Then shortly after we went to a tapas restaurant that was recommended by our bike tour guide.

Some more walking and some ice cream after and then it was time for bed. This morning, up and breakfast to see some more sites and now we are on the train to Paris for our last night at the airport hotel before flying home tomorrow.

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