Hello Bordeaux!

We arrived in Bordeaux on our train on Friday around 10:30, got our car and drove to the city center. After navigating parking we walked to check into our place. The set up was so cool. There was a door on building (fairly typical) but when you opened it this was the hallway!

It was like a mini street (and could have been at one time as that was the size) but closed off from the main roads by the doors. Then there was a different door leading up to our apartment and another door to get inside. The place itself was nice and worked for us but I loved this “hallways” part. After checking in and getting our luggage up we had a quick bite and it was off to our wine tour!

We drove about 50 minutes to château bause-jour bacot. We walked around a bit before we found the right property lol but it was a beautiful walk and we were early. We found the correct place and our guide greeted us and shortly after the other family we toured with arrived. He drove us around the vineyard in a golf cart and explained the vines, the terroir, the family history, the grapes and more. It was so fun to learn and so interesting!

Then it was tasting time!!! We tasted four wines and they we all so different and so good. He did such a great job of explaining them. It maki g it fun and interesting. They were also paired with macaron or chocolates and he had some extra macaron for the kids.

After the tasting we drove about 5 minutes into the beautiful town of St Emilion. We got the kids ice cream, wandered around, Jarett bought us some wine for us. Adalynn needed to go to the bathroom and the public ones were closed and since I’m such a good mom I offered to order a glass of wine in one of the wine bars so that she could use the bathroom 🙂 St Emilion itself is so beautiful and is a Unesco World Heritage site.

Then it was back to Bordeaux for a yummy dinner and bed!

Saturday morning it was the Dad Tour of Bordeaux!!!! Jarett had researched the major points to see. We woke up and walked to each of them and he explained the history that he had learned. I joked that we should have picked up a few extra tourists along the way and charged it was at good!!!!

3rd century Roman coliseum

After our amazing tour we had lunch, and got in the car and headed toward Hendaye which will be our beach destination for a week.

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