And we’re in Paris!

We are so excited to have our feet in the ground in France and to be in another fun adventure together. We were prepared that we might have things slow us down at the airport but overall it went well. Our Calgary to Paris flight was delayed a bit as some people didn’t have vaccination records. Then at the Paris airport the line through customs was long. But, our shuttle guy waited and our baggage was there (yay!) So that made things go well.

We are at a cute little apartment in a great area of Paris! After getting in yesterday we wondered around then got a bite to eat. In the evening we headed to a tower called Montpatnesse that Lleyton had found when he researched. The view over the city was amazing!!!!!!

Then, off to bed for our tired selves!!!!! And up this morning bright and early for our running tour!!!! We met our guide in the Latin quarter and spent about two hours visiting many monuments, squares, gardens and interesting streets. We learned about so many things we would never have known on our own. There are some pictures below but this link from our guide is so cool as it shares our route and pictures he took of us along the way!

We had a chocolate croissant (and a coffe for me) in the garden where the tour ended and then went back to our place to shower and rest for a bit. Then…we were off to the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe. The kids couldn’t get over how big the Eiffel Tower was up close!

Another bit of chill time and then we decided to wander a bit to Gallery Lafayette to see how they do department stores.

Next, some time back again at our cute Paris place to get ready for an amazing dinner. We went to Qui Plume La Lune and it was so fantastic!!!! Amazing meal and service and the kids did great!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Heading to bed full and happy and excited for all that tomorrow holds! ❤️

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