Countdown to a New Adventure!

20 Days!!!!!!!!!

Today I looked at the calendar and was shocked!!!  We have been really busy with so many different things that it has not sunk in that in in less than 3 weeks we will be boarding a plane for Germany and Portugal!

This will be our third big trip as a family and I am so excited for what this adventure holds! The best part is that we are travelling to Europe to visit a piece of my heart!  One of my very favourite people Liza is living in Hamburg right now with her amazing husband Jeremy and their awesome kids.  I would travel anywhere to see Liza but the fact that she is in Germany made it even more exciting to get to go see her.  Our plan is to hang out with the Fehr’s in Hamburg for a week, then have a few days in Berlin and then a week in Carvoeiro Portugal on the beach.  This is an interesting trip for me in that I am not crossin off any new destinations on my list – but I am over the moon excited to be revising these ones.  Germany is where my love of travel started and Berlin remains in my mind my favourite “big city” and I thought when I first visited that Jarett would love it and can’t wait for him to see it.  In Portugal, we will be staying in the same town we stayed in for our honeymoon and it was such a relaxing and beautiful place and I can’t wait to share it with the Lleyton and Adalynn.

The kids are pumped and excited to play with the their new friends in Hamburg, watch some tennis, and play in the ocean.  They’ve even been practising their German!  Adalynn asks almost every day if we get to go to Germany and Portugal soon 🙂 and says “Guten Morgen” all the time!

We have all the essentials booked and in the coming weeks will start to iron out some of the details, make my lists, do more research, by my books and pack. So fun!!!!